In terms of innovation, you have to take into consideration that not everyone may like what you currently have. For instance, it's extremely difficult to create the same customer experience for introverts vs extroverts.
Personally, I'm one of those people who likes to go shopping and figure things out on my own in the store. I'll be honest with you: I view it as a challenge for myself if I can't find something that I'm looking for at first. I'll lap the entire store for hours and look for that specific thing before I ask an employee to help me (only if I'm in a rush will I ask an employee to help me). I guess it's the competitive nature in me playing a game with myself.
Not only does the above color changing basket technique help the customer, but also the employee. They can determine who they should help compared to doing something else that could get done in the store. It wastes no one's time and makes the customer more comfortable (regardless which color they choose).
Where does effective innovation start? The observation phase. Do you see a problem out there that could be fixed with a simple change? Test it out and see how it goes.
I give this innovation an A+ on the scale of simplicity and effectiveness.